Seborrheic dermatitis is a common inflammatory dermatitis with the presence of whitish plaques.

The causes of seborrheic dermatitis

 A major cause of seborrheic dermatitis is sebum overproduction or the presence of fungi.

High temperatures, oily skin, infrequent shampooing, non-cleansing of the skin, obesity, stress, use of alcohol-containing lotions, and skin conditions (such as acne) are some of the causes of seborrheic dermatitis.

Symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis can occur in many different areas of the body.

Areas affected usually include:

the scalp

the eyebrows

the eyelids

the nasal folds

the lips

the area behind the ears

the outer ear

the skin folds on the trunk

Symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis include:

skin lesions

sticky plaques in a large area, dandruff

itching, which may worsen if there is an infection

mild redness

hair loss

skin flakes, white or pale yellow flakes

Seborrheic dermatitis is treated with medicated shampoos for the scalp and topical treatments with special cosmetics and creams containing cortisone.


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